07. Transforming and documenting data

Prepare and enrich datasets for analysis


The curated dataset reflects a tidy version of the original data. This data is relatively project-neutral. A such, project-specific changes are often made to bring the data more in line with the research goals. This may include modifying the unit of observation and/ or adding additional attributes to the data. This process may generate one or more new datasets that are used for analysis. In this recipe, we will explore a practical example of transforming data.


  • Text normalization and tokenization
  • Creating new variables by splitting, merging, and recoding existing variables
  • Augmenting data with additional variables from other sources or resources

In this recipe, we will employ a variety of tools and techniques to accomplish these tasks. Let’s load the packages we will need for this recipe. Let’s load the packages we will need for this recipe.

# Load packages

In Lab 7, we will apply what we have learned in this recipe to a new dataset.

Concepts and strategies


Curated datasets are often project-neutral. That is, they are not necessarily designed to answer a specific research question. Rather, they are designed to be flexible enough to be used in a variety of projects. This is a good thing, but it also means that we will likely need to transform the data to bring it more in line with our research goals. This can include normalizing text, modifying the unit of observation and/ or adding additional attributes to the data.

In this recipe, we will explore a practical example of transforming data. We will start with a curated dataset and transform it to reflect a specific research goal. The dataset we will use is the MASC dataset (Ide et al. 2008). This dataset contains a collection of words from a variety of genres and modalities of American English.


The MASC dataset is a curated version of the original data. This data is relatively project-neutral.

If you would like to acquire the original data and curate it for use in this recipe, you can do so by running the following code:

# Acquire the original data
  url = "..",
  target_dir = "data/original/masc/"

# Curate the data

# ... write a function and add it to the package

As a starting point, I will assume that the curated dataset is available in the data/derived/masc/ directory, as seen below.

├── analysis/
├── derived/
   ├── masc_curated_dd.csv
   ├── masc/
   │   ├── masc_curated.csv
├── original/
   ├── masc_do.csv
   ├── masc/
   │   ├── ...

The first step is to inspect the data dictionary file. This file contains information about the variables in the dataset. It is also a good idea to review the data origin file, which contains information about the original data source.

Looking at the data dictionary, in Table 1.

Table 1: Data dictionary for the MASC dataset
variable name description variable_type
file File ID number of the source file character
ref Reference Reference number within the source file integer
base Base Base form of the word (lemma) character
msd MSD Part-of-speech tag (PENN tagset) character
string String Text content of the word character
title Title Title of the source file character
source Source Name of the source character
date Date Date of the source file (if available) character
class Class Classification of the source. Modality and genre character
domain Domain Domain or topic of the source character

Let’s read in the data and take a glimpse at it.

# Read the data
masc_curated <- read_csv("data/derived/masc/masc_curated.csv")

# Preview
Rows: 591,097
Columns: 10
$ file   <chr> "110CYL067", "110CYL067", "110CYL067", "110CYL067", "110CYL067"…
$ ref    <dbl> 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 1…
$ base   <chr> "december", "1998", "your", "contribution", "to", "goodwill", "…
$ msd    <chr> "NNP", "CD", "PRP$", "NN", "TO", "NNP", "MD", "VB", "JJR", "IN"…
$ string <chr> "December", "1998", "Your", "contribution", "to", "Goodwill", "…
$ title  <chr> "110CYL067", "110CYL067", "110CYL067", "110CYL067", "110CYL067"…
$ source <chr> "ICIC Corpus of Philanthropic Fundraising Discourse", "ICIC Cor…
$ date   <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,…
$ class  <chr> "WR LT", "WR LT", "WR LT", "WR LT", "WR LT", "WR LT", "WR LT", …
$ domain <chr> "philanthropic fundraising discourse", "philanthropic fundraisi…

We may also want to do a summary overview of the dataset with {skimr}. This will give us a sense of the data types and the number of missing values.

── Data Summary ───────────────────────
Name                       masc_curated
Number of rows             591097
Number of columns          10
Column type frequency:
  character                9
  numeric                  1
Group variables            None

── Variable type: character ───────────
  skim_variable n_missing complete_rate min max empty n_unique whitespace
1 file                  0         1       3  40     0      392          0
2 base                  4         1.00    1  99     0    28010          0
3 msd                   0         1       1   8     0       60          0
4 string               25         1.00    1  99     0    39474          0
5 title                 0         1       3 203     0      373          0
6 source             5732         0.990   3 139     0      348          0
7 date              94002         0.841   4  17     0       62          0
8 class                 0         1       5   5     0       18          0
9 domain            18165         0.969   4  35     0       21          0

── Variable type: numeric ─────────────
  skim_variable n_missing complete_rate  mean    sd p0 p25  p50  p75  p100 hist
1 ref                   0             1 3854. 4633.  0 549 2033 5455 24519 ▇▂▁▁▁

In summary, the dataset contains 591,097 observations and 10 variables. The unit of observation is the word. The variable names are somewhat opaque, but the data dictionary provides some context that will help us understand the data.

Now we want to consider how we plan to use this data in our analysis. Let’s assume that we want to use this data to explore lexical variation in the MASC dataset across modalities and genres. We will want to transform the data to reflect this goal.

In Table 2, we see an idealized version of the dataset we would like to have.

Table 2: Idealized version of the MASC dataset
variable name type description
doc_id Document ID numeric A unique identifier for each document
modality Modality character The modality of the document (e.g., spoken, written)
genre Genre character The genre of the document (e.g., blog, newspaper)
term_num Term number numeric The position of the term in the document
term Term character The word
lemma Lemma character The lemma of the word
pos Part-of-speech character The part-of-speech tag of the word

Of note, in this recipe we will derive a single transformed dataset. In other projects, you may want to generate various datasets with different units of observations. It all depends on your research question and the research aim that you are adopting.

Transforming data

To get from the curated dataset to the idealized dataset, we will need to perform a number of transformations. Some of these transformations will be relatively straightforward, while others will require more work. Let’s start with the easy ones.

  1. Let’s drop the variables that we will not use and at the same time rename the variables to make them more intuitive.

We will use the select() function to drop or rename variables.

# Drop and rename variables
masc_df <-
  masc_curated |>
    doc_id = file,
    term_num = ref,
    term = string,
    lemma = base,
    pos = msd,
    mod_gen = class

# A tibble: 591,097 × 6
   doc_id    term_num term         lemma        pos   mod_gen
   <chr>        <dbl> <chr>        <chr>        <chr> <chr>  
 1 110CYL067        0 December     december     NNP   WR LT  
 2 110CYL067        1 1998         1998         CD    WR LT  
 3 110CYL067        2 Your         your         PRP$  WR LT  
 4 110CYL067        3 contribution contribution NN    WR LT  
 5 110CYL067        4 to           to           TO    WR LT  
 6 110CYL067        5 Goodwill     goodwill     NNP   WR LT  
 7 110CYL067        6 will         will         MD    WR LT  
 8 110CYL067        7 mean         mean         VB    WR LT  
 9 110CYL067        8 more         more         JJR   WR LT  
10 110CYL067        9 than         than         IN    WR LT  
# ℹ 591,087 more rows

That’s a good start on the structure.

  1. Next, we will split the mod_gen variable into two variables: modality and genre.

We have a variable mod_gen that contains two pieces of information: modality and genre (e.g., WR LT). The information appears to separated by a space. We can make sure this is the case by tabulating the values. The count() function will count the number of occurrences of each value in a variable, and as a side effect it will summarize the values of the variable so we can see if there are any unexpected values.

# Tabulate mod_gen
masc_df |>
  count(mod_gen) |>
# A tibble: 18 × 2
   mod_gen     n
   <chr>   <int>
 1 SP TR   71630
 2 WR EM   62036
 3 WR FC   38608
 4 WR ES   34938
 5 WR FT   34373
 6 WR BL   33278
 7 WR JO   33042
 8 WR JK   32420
 9 WR NP   31225
10 SP MS   29879
11 WR NF   29531
12 WR TW   28128
13 WR GV   27848
14 WR TG   27624
15 WR LT   26468
16 SP FF   23871
17 WR TC   19419
18 SP TP    6779

Looks good, our values are separated by a space. We can use the separate_wider_delim() function from {tidyr} to split the variable into two variables. We will use the delim argument to specify the delimiter and the names argument to specify the names of the new variables.

# Split mod_gen into modality and genre
masc_df <-
  masc_df |>
    cols = mod_gen,
    delim = " ",
    names = c("modality", "genre")

# A tibble: 591,097 × 7
   doc_id    term_num term         lemma        pos   modality genre
   <chr>        <dbl> <chr>        <chr>        <chr> <chr>    <chr>
 1 110CYL067        0 December     december     NNP   WR       LT   
 2 110CYL067        1 1998         1998         CD    WR       LT   
 3 110CYL067        2 Your         your         PRP$  WR       LT   
 4 110CYL067        3 contribution contribution NN    WR       LT   
 5 110CYL067        4 to           to           TO    WR       LT   
 6 110CYL067        5 Goodwill     goodwill     NNP   WR       LT   
 7 110CYL067        6 will         will         MD    WR       LT   
 8 110CYL067        7 mean         mean         VB    WR       LT   
 9 110CYL067        8 more         more         JJR   WR       LT   
10 110CYL067        9 than         than         IN    WR       LT   
# ℹ 591,087 more rows
  1. Create a document id variable.

Now that we have the variables we want, we can turn our attention to the values of the variables. Let’s start with the doc_id variable. This may a good variable to use as the document id. If we take a look at the values, however, we can see that the values are not very informative.

Let’s use the distinct() function to only show the unique values of the variable. We will also chain a slice_sample() function to randomly select a sample of the values. This will give us a sense of the values in the variable.

# Preview doc_id
masc_df |>
  distinct(doc_id) |>
  slice_sample(n = 10)
# A tibble: 10 × 1
 1 JurassicParkIV-INT 
 2 111367             
 3 NYTnewswire6       
 4 sw2014-ms98-a-trans
 5 52713              
 6 new_clients        
 7 cable_spool_fort   
 8 jokes10            
 9 wsj_2465           
10 wsj_0158           

You can run this code various times to get a different sample of values.

Since the doc_id variable is not informative, let’s replace the variable’s values with numeric values. In the end, we want a digit for each unique document and we want the words in each document to be grouped together.

To do this we will need to group the data by doc_id and then generate a new number for each group. We can achieve this by passing the data grouped by doc_id (group_by()) to the mutate() function and then using the cur_group_id() function to generate a number for each group.

# Recode doc_id
masc_df <-
  masc_df |>
  group_by(doc_id) |>
  mutate(doc_id = cur_group_id()) |>

# A tibble: 591,097 × 7
   doc_id term_num term         lemma        pos   modality genre
    <int>    <dbl> <chr>        <chr>        <chr> <chr>    <chr>
 1      1        0 December     december     NNP   WR       LT   
 2      1        1 1998         1998         CD    WR       LT   
 3      1        2 Your         your         PRP$  WR       LT   
 4      1        3 contribution contribution NN    WR       LT   
 5      1        4 to           to           TO    WR       LT   
 6      1        5 Goodwill     goodwill     NNP   WR       LT   
 7      1        6 will         will         MD    WR       LT   
 8      1        7 mean         mean         VB    WR       LT   
 9      1        8 more         more         JJR   WR       LT   
10      1        9 than         than         IN    WR       LT   
# ℹ 591,087 more rows

To check, we can again apply the count() function.

# Check
masc_df |>
  count(doc_id) |>
# A tibble: 392 × 2
   doc_id     n
    <int> <int>
 1    158 24520
 2    300 22261
 3    112 18459
 4    113 17986
 5    215 17302
 6    312 14752
 7    311 13376
 8    200 13138
 9    217 11753
10    186 10665
# ℹ 382 more rows

We have 392 unique documents in the dataset. We also can see that the word lengths vary quite a bit. That’s something we will need to keep in mind as we move forward into the analysis.

  1. Check the values of the pos variable.

The pos variable contains the part-of-speech tags for each word. The PENN Treebank tagset is used. Let’s take a look at the values to get familiar with them, and also to see if there are any unexpected values.

Let’s use the slice_sample() function to randomly select a sample of the values. This will give us a sense of the values in the variable.

# Preview pos
masc_df |>
  slice_sample(n = 10)
# A tibble: 10 × 7
   doc_id term_num term          lemma         pos   modality genre
    <int>    <dbl> <chr>         <chr>         <chr> <chr>    <chr>
 1    303     2511 proliferation proliferation NN    WR       TC   
 2     76     5245 And           and           CC    WR       FT   
 3    300    17170 DAVY          davy          NNP   SP       MS   
 4     80     5341 ”             ”             NN    WR       FT   
 5    171      900 .             .             .     WR       TG   
 6    166     2588 out           out           RP    WR       BL   
 7     67       58 organization  organization  NN    WR       LT   
 8    216     2944 include       include       VB    WR       TG   
 9    234     1304 donation      donation      NN    WR       LT   
10    231     3539 say           say           VB    WR       NF   

After running this code a few times, we can see that the many of the values are as expected. There are, however, some unexpected values. In particular, some punctuation and symbols are tagged as nouns.

We can get a better appreciation for the unexpected values by filtering the data to only show non alpha-numeric values (^\\W+$) in the term column and then tabulating the values by term and pos.

# Filter and tabulate
masc_df |>
  filter(str_detect(term, "^\\W+$")) |>
  count(term, pos) |>
  arrange(-n) |>
  print(n = 20)
# A tibble: 152 × 3
   term  pos       n
   <chr> <chr> <int>
 1 ","   ,     27112
 2 "."   .     26256
 3 "\""  ''     5495
 4 ":"   :      4938
 5 "?"   .      3002
 6 ")"   )      2447
 7 "("   (      2363
 8 "-"   :      1778
 9 "!"   .      1747
10 "/"   NN     1494
11 "’"   NN     1319
12 "-"   -      1213
13 "”"   NN     1076
14 "“"   NN     1061
15 "]"   NN     1003
16 "["   NN     1001
17 ";"   :       991
18 "--"  :       772
19 ">"   NN      752
20 "..." ...     716
# ℹ 132 more rows

As we can see from the sample above and from the PENN tagset documentation, most punctuation is tagged as the punctuation itself. For example, the period is tagged as . and the comma is tagged as ,. Let’s edit the data to reflect this.

Let’s look at the code, and then we will discuss it.

# Recode
masc_df <-
  masc_df |>
  mutate(pos = case_when(
    str_detect(term, "^\\W+$") ~ str_sub(term, start = 1, end = 1),
    TRUE ~ pos

# Check
masc_df |>
  filter(str_detect(term, "^\\W+$")) |> # preview
  count(term, pos) |>
  arrange(-n) |>
  print(n = 20)
# A tibble: 127 × 3
   term  pos       n
   <chr> <chr> <int>
 1 ","   ","   27113
 2 "."   "."   26257
 3 "\""  "\""   5502
 4 ":"   ":"    4939
 5 "?"   "?"    3002
 6 "-"   "-"    2994
 7 ")"   ")"    2447
 8 "("   "("    2363
 9 "!"   "!"    1747
10 "/"   "/"    1495
11 "’"   "’"    1325
12 "”"   "”"    1092
13 "“"   "“"    1078
14 "]"   "]"    1003
15 "["   "["    1001
16 ";"   ";"     993
17 "--"  "-"     772
18 ">"   ">"     753
19 "..." "."     747
20 "'"   "'"     741
# ℹ 107 more rows

The case_when() function allows us to specify a series of conditions and values. The first condition is that the term variable contains only non alpha-numeric characters. If it does, then we want to replace the value of the pos variable with the first character of the term variable, str_sub(term, start = 1, end = 1). If the condition is not met, then we want to keep the original value of the pos variable, TRUE ~ pos.

We can see that our code worked by filtering the data to only show non alpha-numeric values (^\\W+$) in the term column and then tabulating the values by term and pos.

For completeness, I will also recode the lemma values for these values as well as the lemma can some times be multiple punctuation marks (e.g. !!!!!, ---, etc.) for these terms.

# Recode
masc_df <-
  masc_df |>
  mutate(lemma = case_when(
    str_detect(term, "^\\W+$") ~ str_sub(term, start = 1, end = 1),
    TRUE ~ lemma

# Check
masc_df |>
  filter(str_detect(term, "^\\W+$")) |> # preview
  count(term, lemma) |>
  arrange(-n) |>
  print(n = 20)
# A tibble: 127 × 3
   term  lemma     n
   <chr> <chr> <int>
 1 ","   ","   27113
 2 "."   "."   26257
 3 "\""  "\""   5502
 4 ":"   ":"    4939
 5 "?"   "?"    3002
 6 "-"   "-"    2994
 7 ")"   ")"    2447
 8 "("   "("    2363
 9 "!"   "!"    1747
10 "/"   "/"    1495
11 "’"   "’"    1325
12 "”"   "”"    1092
13 "“"   "“"    1078
14 "]"   "]"    1003
15 "["   "["    1001
16 ";"   ";"     993
17 "--"  "-"     772
18 ">"   ">"     753
19 "..." "."     747
20 "'"   "'"     741
# ℹ 107 more rows
  1. Check the values of the modality variable.

The modality variable contains the modality tags for each document. Let’s take a look at the values.

Let’s tabulate the values with count().

# Tabulate modality
masc_df |>
# A tibble: 2 × 2
  modality      n
  <chr>     <int>
1 SP       132159
2 WR       458938

We see that the values are SP and WR, which stand for spoken and written, respectively. To make this a bit more transparent, we can recode these values to Spoken and Written. We will use the case_when() function to do this.

# Recode modality
masc_df <-
  masc_df |>
    modality = case_when(
      modality == "SP" ~ "Spoken",
      modality == "WR" ~ "Written"

# A tibble: 591,097 × 7
   doc_id term_num term         lemma        pos   modality genre
    <int>    <dbl> <chr>        <chr>        <chr> <chr>    <chr>
 1      1        0 December     december     NNP   Written  LT   
 2      1        1 1998         1998         CD    Written  LT   
 3      1        2 Your         your         PRP$  Written  LT   
 4      1        3 contribution contribution NN    Written  LT   
 5      1        4 to           to           TO    Written  LT   
 6      1        5 Goodwill     goodwill     NNP   Written  LT   
 7      1        6 will         will         MD    Written  LT   
 8      1        7 mean         mean         VB    Written  LT   
 9      1        8 more         more         JJR   Written  LT   
10      1        9 than         than         IN    Written  LT   
# ℹ 591,087 more rows
  1. Check the values of the genre variable.

Let’s look at the values of the genre variable.

# Tabulate genre
masc_df |>
  count(genre) |>
  print(n = Inf)
# A tibble: 18 × 2
   genre     n
   <chr> <int>
 1 BL    33278
 2 EM    62036
 3 ES    34938
 4 FC    38608
 5 FF    23871
 6 FT    34373
 7 GV    27848
 8 JK    32420
 9 JO    33042
10 LT    26468
11 MS    29879
12 NF    29531
13 NP    31225
14 TC    19419
15 TG    27624
16 TP     6779
17 TR    71630
18 TW    28128

These genre labels are definitely cryptic. The data dictionary does not list these labels and their more verbose descriptions. However, looking at the original data’s README, we can find the file (resource-headers.xml) that lists these genre labels.

1. 'BL' for blog
2. 'NP' is newspaper
3. 'EM' is email
4. 'ES' is essay
5. 'FT' is fictlets
6. 'FC' is fiction
7. 'GV' is government
8. 'JK' is jokes
9. 'JO' is journal
10. 'LT' is letters
11. 'MS' is movie script
12. 'NF' is non-fiction
13. 'FF' is face-to-face
14. 'TC' is technical
15. 'TG' is travel guide
16. 'TP' is telephone
17. 'TR' is transcript
18. 'TW' is twitter

Now we can again use the case_when() function. This time we will see if genre is equal to one of the genre labels and if it is, then we will replace the value with the more verbose description.

# Recode genre
masc_df <-
  masc_df |>
    genre = case_when(
      genre == "BL" ~ "Blog",
      genre == "NP" ~ "Newspaper",
      genre == "EM" ~ "Email",
      genre == "ES" ~ "Essay",
      genre == "FT" ~ "Fictlets",
      genre == "FC" ~ "Fiction",
      genre == "GV" ~ "Government",
      genre == "JK" ~ "Jokes",
      genre == "JO" ~ "Journal",
      genre == "LT" ~ "Letters",
      genre == "MS" ~ "Movie script",
      genre == "NF" ~ "Non-fiction",
      genre == "FF" ~ "Face-to-face",
      genre == "TC" ~ "Technical",
      genre == "TG" ~ "Travel guide",
      genre == "TP" ~ "Telephone",
      genre == "TR" ~ "Transcript",
      genre == "TW" ~ "Twitter"

# A tibble: 591,097 × 7
   doc_id term_num term         lemma        pos   modality genre  
    <int>    <dbl> <chr>        <chr>        <chr> <chr>    <chr>  
 1      1        0 December     december     NNP   Written  Letters
 2      1        1 1998         1998         CD    Written  Letters
 3      1        2 Your         your         PRP$  Written  Letters
 4      1        3 contribution contribution NN    Written  Letters
 5      1        4 to           to           TO    Written  Letters
 6      1        5 Goodwill     goodwill     NNP   Written  Letters
 7      1        6 will         will         MD    Written  Letters
 8      1        7 mean         mean         VB    Written  Letters
 9      1        8 more         more         JJR   Written  Letters
10      1        9 than         than         IN    Written  Letters
# ℹ 591,087 more rows

During the process of transformation and afterwards, it is a good idea to tabulate and/ or visualize the dataset. This provides us an opportunity to get to know the dataset better and also may help us identify inconsistencies that we would like to address in the transformation, or at least be aware of as we move towards analysis.

# How many documents are in each modality?
masc_df |>
  distinct(doc_id, modality) |>
  count(modality) |>
# A tibble: 2 × 2
  modality     n
  <chr>    <int>
1 Written    371
2 Spoken      21
# How many documents are in each genre?
masc_df |>
  distinct(doc_id, genre) |>
  count(genre) |>
# A tibble: 18 × 2
   genre            n
   <chr>        <int>
 1 Email          174
 2 Newspaper       54
 3 Letters         49
 4 Blog            21
 5 Jokes           16
 6 Journal         12
 7 Essay            8
 8 Fiction          7
 9 Travel guide     7
10 Face-to-face     6
11 Movie script     6
12 Technical        6
13 Fictlets         5
14 Government       5
15 Non-fiction      5
16 Telephone        5
17 Transcript       4
18 Twitter          2
# What is the averge length of documents (in words)?
masc_df |>
  group_by(doc_id) |>
  summarize(n = n()) |>
    mean = mean(n),
    median = median(n),
    min = min(n),
    max = max(n)
# A tibble: 1 × 4
   mean median   min   max
  <dbl>  <dbl> <int> <int>
1 1508.   418.    45 24520
masc_df |>
  group_by(doc_id) |>
  summarize(n = n()) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = n)) +

# What is the distribution of the length of documents by modality?
masc_df |>
  group_by(doc_id, modality) |>
  summarize(n = n()) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = n, fill = modality)) +
  geom_density(alpha = 0.5)

# What is the distribution of the length of documents by genre?
masc_df |>
  group_by(doc_id, modality, genre) |>
  summarize(n = n()) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = genre, y = n)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  facet_wrap(~ modality, scales = "free_x") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))

Once we are satisfied with the structure and values of the dataset, we can save it to a file. We will use the write_csv() function from {readr} to do this.

# Save the data
write_csv(masc_df, "data/derived/masc/masc_transformed.csv")

The structure of the data/ directory in our project should now look like this:

├── analysis/
├── derived/
   ├── masc_curated_dd.csv
   ├── masc/
   │   ├── masc_curated.csv
   │   ├── masc_transformed.csv
├── original/

Documenting data

The last step is to document the process and the resulting dataset(s). In this particular case we only derived one transformed dataset. The documentation steps are the same as in the curation step. We will organize and document the process file (often a .qmd file) and then create a data dictionary for each of the transformed datasets. The create_data_dictionary() function can come in handy for scaffolding the data dictionary file.

# Create a data dictionary
  data = masc_df,
  file_path = "data/derived/masc/masc_transformed_dd.csv"


In this recipe, we have looked at an example of transforming a curated dataset. This recipe included operations such as:

  • Text normalization
  • Variable recoding
  • Splitting variables

In other projects, the transformation steps will inevitably differ, but these strategies are commonly necessary in almost any project.

Just as with other steps in the data preparation process, it is important to document the transformation steps. This will help you and others understand the process and the resulting dataset(s).

Check your understanding

  1. Which function would you use to remove duplicate rows in a dataset?
  2. The str_c() function from {stringr} is used to separate strings rather than combine them.
  3. The count() function from {dplyr} is used to tabulate the values of a variable.
  4. If you want to recode the age of learners into categories such as “child”, “teen”, and “adult” based on their age, which function should you use?
  5. To normalize text by removing leading and trailing whitespace, you use the () function from {stringr}.
  6. To normalize text by converting all characters to lowercase, you use the () function from {stringr}.

Lab preparation

In preparation for Lab 7, review and ensure you are comfortable with the following:

  • Vector, data frame, and list data structures
  • Subsetting and filtering data structures with and without regular expressions
  • Reshaping datasets by rows and columns

In this lab, we will practice these skills and expand our knowledge of data preparation by transforming and documenting data with Tidyverse packages such as {dplyr}, {tidyr}, and {stringr}.

You will have a choice of a dataset to transform. Before you start the lab, you should consider which dataset you would like to use, what the idealized structure the transformed dataset will take, and what strategies you will likely employ to transform the dataset. You should also consider the information you need to document the data transformation process.


Ide, Nancy, Collin Baker, Christiane Fellbaum, Charles Fillmore, and Rebecca Passonneau. 2008. MASC: The Manually Annotated Sub-Corpus of American English.” In Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2008, 2455–60. European Language Resources Association (ELRA).