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Calculates various frequency and dispersion metrics for types (terms/tokens) in tokenized text data. Provides a comprehensive analysis of how types are distributed across documents in a corpus.


calc_type_metrics(data, type, document, frequency = NULL, dispersion = NULL)



Data frame. Contains the tokenized text data with document IDs and types/terms.


Symbol. Column in data containing the types to analyze (e.g., terms, lemmas).


Symbol. Column in data containing the document identifiers.


Character vector. Frequency metrics to calculate: - NULL (default): Returns only type counts - 'all': All available metrics - 'rf': Relative frequency - 'orf': Observed relative frequency (per 100)


Character vector. Dispersion metrics to calculate: - NULL (default): Returns only type counts - 'all': All available metrics - 'df': Document frequency - 'idf': Inverse document frequency - 'dp': Gries' deviation of proportions


Data frame containing requested metrics:

  • type: Unique types from input data

  • n: Raw frequency count

  • rf: Relative frequency (if requested)

  • orf: Observed relative frequency per 100 (if requested)

  • df: Document frequency (if requested)

  • idf: Inverse document frequency (if requested)

  • dp: Deviation of proportions (if requested)


The function creates a term-document matrix internally and calculates the requested metrics. Frequency metrics show how often types occur, while dispersion metrics show how evenly they are distributed across documents.

The 'dp' metric (Gries' Deviation of Proportions) ranges from 0 (perfectly even distribution) to 1 (completely clumped distribution).


Gries, Stefan Th. (2023). Statistical Methods in Corpus Linguistics. In Readings in Corpus Linguistics: A Teaching and Research Guide for Scholars in Nigeria and Beyond, pp. 78-114.


data_path <- system.file("extdata", "types_data.rds", package = "qtkit")
df <- readRDS(data_path)
  data = df,
  type = letter,
  document = doc_id,
  frequency = c("rf", "orf"),
  dispersion = "dp"
#>   type  n  rf orf        dp
#> A    A 20 0.2  20 0.1176471
#> B    B 20 0.2  20 0.1029412
#> C    C 20 0.2  20 0.1764706
#> D    D 20 0.2  20 0.1176471
#> E    E 20 0.2  20 0.1176471