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qtkit 1.1.1

Bug fixes:

  • Bug fix (#9): create_data_dictionary() now catches errors when the
    AI model fails to produce a CSV output that will parse correctly. A warning
    is issued and the function returns a data dictionary without the AI model.
    Note: In testing, gpt-3.5-turbo and gpt-4 have been found to be the most
    reliable models for this task.
  • Bug fix: calc_assoc_metrics() now uses {dplyr} functions to perform more
    efficient calculations. Previously, the function was using base R functions
    to calculate the metrics, and memory usage was high for large datasets.

qtkit 1.1.0

CRAN release: 2024-12-07

New features:

Bug fixes:

  • Bug fix (#7): calc_type_metrics() now correctly allows for the type
    and document arguments to be specified as symbols that can take values
    other than type and document.


  • Adds vignettes for documenting data and using the publishing functions.
  • Removes many external dependencies from the package (glue, purrr, readr,
    stringr, tibble, and tidytext) to reduce the number of dependencies and make
    the package more lightweight.

qtkit 1.0.0

CRAN release: 2024-08-17

Notes: get_talkbank_data() is postponed for a future release.

qtkit 0.10.0

CRAN release: 2024-06-24

  • Initial CRAN submission.