Creates a standardized data origin documentation file in CSV format, containing essential metadata about a dataset's source, format, and usage rights.
If return=TRUE, returns a data frame containing the data origin template. Otherwise returns invisible(NULL).
Generates a template with the following metadata fields:
Resource name
Data source (URL/DOI)
Sampling frame (language, modality, genre)
Collection dates
Data format
Schema description
License information
Attribution requirements
tmp_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
#> Data origin file created at `file_path`.
#> attribute
#> 1 Resource name
#> 2 Data source
#> 3 Data sampling frame
#> 4 Data collection date(s)
#> 5 Data format
#> 6 Data schema
#> 7 License
#> 8 Attribution
#> description
#> 1 The name of the resource.
#> 2 URL, DOI, etc.
#> 3 Language, language variety, modality, genre, etc.
#> 4 The dates the data was collected.
#> 5 .txt, .csv, .xml, .html, etc.
#> 6 Relationships between data elements: files, folders, etc.
#> 7 CC BY, CC BY-SA, etc.
#> 8 Citation information.