This function processes and curates ENNTT (European Parliament) data from a specified directory. It handles both .dat files (containing XML metadata) and .tok files '(containing text content).
A tibble containing the curated ENNTT data with columns:
session_id: Parliamentary session identifier
speaker_id: Speaker's MEP ID
state: Representative's state/country
session_seq: Sequential position in session
text: Speech content
type: Corpus type identifier
The function expects a directory containing paired .dat and .tok files with matching names, as found in the raw ENNTT data The .dat files should contain XML-formatted metadata with attributes:
session_id: Unique identifier for the parliamentary session
mepid: Member of European Parliament ID
state: Country or state representation
seq_speaker_id: Sequential ID within the session
The .tok files should contain the corresponding text content, one entry per line.
# Example using simulated data bundled with the package
example_data <- system.file("extdata", "simul_enntt", package = "qtkit")
curated_data <- curate_enntt_data(example_data)
#> 'data.frame': 2 obs. of 6 variables:
#> $ session_id : chr "EP-2020-001" "EP-2020-001"
#> $ speaker_id : chr "MEP123" "MEP124"
#> $ state : chr "FR" "DE"
#> $ session_seq: chr "1" "2"
#> $ text : chr "This is a sample speech from France." "This is another speech from Germany."
#> $ type : chr "test1" "test1"